Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ruth 2: Finding Refuge

We are heading in to Ruth 2 on Sunday, January 23rd. In walks a worthy character. Boaz is introduced. Who is this man? The presentation of a stalwart male into the life of two widowed females thickens the plot considerably—even in antiquity. The story is masterfully told. We are not allowed to look beyond the seemingly insurmountable difficulties, we sense the struggle and bleak unknown, but we see a ripening character in Ruth. Ruth desires to work and desires to submit to Naomi. The town sees this and admires her. In humility Ruth does not notice the attention given to her and still sees herself as “a foreigner.” More than anything Ruth is puzzled at the good favor she is receiving—“why have I found favor?” It is not that Ruth is simply good natured, she is a woman of God—“under whose wings [she] has come to seek refuge.” Boaz notices these praiseworthy qualities and uses the means God has given him to bless her. Boaz is the first stable piece in the story. He is not moving any time soon. He has land, the respect of his employees, maturity. It also appears that things are blessed around him. He is blessed, but single. How hard that must have been! No heir and no one to share his blessing with. But God had a bigger story. For both Boaz and Ruth, God is their first satisfaction and it has tremendous affect on their lives. This is the foundation that God builds a life of great blessing upon.

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