Wednesday, September 24, 2008

nowhere else to go

"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve.
Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."
- John 6:67-68

I know where I am supposed to be--Bremerton. It is not necessary that I am perfect at what I do here (though I do strive for perfection). Thankfully my place under the covering of the Almighty does not depend on my performance at His work; instead, it is by His work that I am secured therein. It is taking awhile for me to accept the full wonder of the fact that the first and foremost reason that I am in Bremerton is because God has plans for me here. By grace and through faith I will learn. Yesterday (as my mercy post well represented) I felt terrible at all that I was called here to do. I was awed by the immediate and reassuring answer of God when I asked within my heart, "Is it really here that you want me?" There was no hesitation the response, and surprisingly my heart did not flinch at the "yes" verdict. You see, no matter what painful shaping God has to do in me here I pray that I become more a man after His own heart. That is all I want now. That is the beginning and end to my life. With all the praying and checking of my heart that went on before I pushed off from the port of Denver in my boxy Subaru Forester for destination Bremerton I saw much that could be improved in "the Church." God, I believe, saw more that that. He saw things in me that needed improvement. We NEVER reach a level where we are merely givers alongside of Christ. I was not coming with a basket of revelations and dreams to bless the Church. God had much more in me. He Himself would bless the Church AND me. "[God] is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else." (Acts 17:25) Rejoice with me that we are the same, fellow heirs in Christ and because of Christ. Let us never run ahead and try to live beyond this glorious truth.

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