Thursday, December 11, 2008

book-doors, business-doors, and door-doors

"The book of God is a store of manna for God's pilgrim children....The great cause of neglecting the Scriptures is not want of time, but want of heart, some idol taking the place of Christ. Satan has been marvelously wise to entice away God's people from the Scripture. A child of God who neglects the Scriptures cannot make it his business to please the Lord of Glory; cannot make Him Lord of the conscience; ruler of the heart; the joy, portion, and treasure of the soul....If the Bible be used aright by anyone, it will be to him the most pleasant book in the world." - R.C. Chapman

The quote is taken from a book that I have read the past two years in the winter months. The book is "Agape Leadership: Lessons in Spiritual Leadership from the Life of R.C. Chapman." The front is covered by a kindly man in a large white beard that wraps all the way over his head forming a perfect frame for his face. As we stroll together through pages (metaphorically, of course) I can hear him saying again each year, "slow down, young man, it is God who makes a man. Set yourself to love Him through reading the word and prayer."

By the looks of it the Coffee Oasis/Hope in Christ Ministries will soon be buying a successful drive-thru coffee business. Please pray for my father as he spend time working out the business details. The previous owner is willingly donating almost half of the business ($21,000) because they believe that God is leading this way. One of our faithful advisers and an earnest brother in prayer said that he was praying for God to give the rest since He has showed it to be such an easy things to give us half. It is crazy the amount of trust offered to us being Christians, who gain our name from a God-man who was raised from the dead.

Please pray for me. Today I went door-to-door with one of the other staff from the Oasis. She is a spunky, boardering on hyper, lady who makes quick friends with any moving object. I, however, am not the best at such extroverted activities. We were not passing out tracts or looking to wage Bible wars with anyone, just inviting our neighbors (the city) to our community Christmas party. I hate the thought of invading someone elses space and don't always want to make new friends. I am not always good with new people, knowing that I am not always good with the old people either. Pray that God invades the spaces in my heart that hold me back from loving others and wanting to share the message of eternal life with them.

Started running again!!!

1 comment:

Caleb Bouma said...

Amen to all of it! except the running part. I'm not even going to think about running in this climate. ;) Praying for you bro.