Tuesday, April 7, 2009

questions for answers

"I am a Taoist!" She said as she stood 5'8'' in daisy dukes and an old worn flannel. All I could tell up to that point was that she was a confident high schooler. She wanted truth, she said. Wonderful, I replied, me too. Her fathers Catholicism she viewed as feeble and pathetic and the Internet site that she found about Taoism was more like her. It allowed her to explore and consider every thought equal. She wanted to bargain with me. At least, she said, we can find common ground. I told her I didn't want that (with a smile). She was shocked. You don't want peace, I could see her eyes accuse. No, I replied before she could question, it is not that I don't want peace. You see, the reason why I don't want to settle with you for a mix and match compromise is because I know what brings peace. It is by seeking truth AND finding it, not just settling with a worldview of questions. She proudly told me that she could question everything. I told her to question anything she wanted, but I sought answers not just the ability to point and stare. She said that if Jesus dropped out of the sky she would believe in Him. I told her that it would be hard for me to believe if that happened. I am not going to lie, I am not an easy believer. Jesus did something in me that made me love Him. We often think too highly of our ability to believe truth if we ever saw it walking in front of our eyes. We forget that Jesus was scorned and shamed and mocked on the cross. She was enthralled and I was eager, both of us were reluctant. We talked about evolution and the existence of God. Pray for her. I gave her a worn New Testament that I carry in my back pocket. She handled it with care knowing that it had been loved. Pray that her heart to opened to listen, hear, and respond.

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