Sunday, January 24, 2010

responding to one

I have to apologize for how few and far between my writing has been. I will try to write more. The last few weeks have been enjoyable. I had the opportunity to speak to the faculty of a local alternative school and there is an exciting openness to having us be involved on there campus. Despite a coarse feeling in my throat (the feel of impending sickness!) I am feeling stronger phsyically and spiritually than I have in a long time. I am finding myself enjoying friendships in my life with the sort of deep-seated satisfaction that you would expect to have in old age. I am also realizing that the gospel is such a greater story than my own. But I am not lost in it; rather, it includes me. A writer once warned of responding to the "call of a lover less wild." O the tough and pleasant wonders of learning to respond only to one lover and thereby letting all others fade away.

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