Sunday, February 22, 2009


"Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God...Oh, the fullness, pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on earth!" - Jim Elliot

Between melting skies and constant days God's faithfulness has been new every day. I feel like my faithfulness is only evident in the rise of hope that comes in mentioning the faithfulness of God. Where He goes I go. Sometimes willingly, sometimes by force. Some special items of prayer are for a new boys discipleship program that is underway. I am seeking to train boys in heart and hand to worship God. The vision is that young men will be mentored and trained in physical skills (i.e. construction, landscaping...) alongside devotion to learn and apply the word of God. Please pray for this venture as I know its success depends upon God's power and my standing. Pray for the numerous young men who are without jobs and without hope.

If you spend time with me long enough you will hear about people like keith green or jim elliot. I like hanging-out with the thick cloud of witnesses. I know they are all men who will laugh at me (big hearty laughs) when I am being dumb and grab me and throw my gaze back towards our Savior when I am down. I think few have followed those few because we look to them not with them. We have looked for inspiration rather with aspiration. Inspiration is easy achieved. We can seek it sitting down reading "Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul" or watching a warm film. Perhaps even stand close enough to feel the heat of their hearts. Oh God melt ours! Aspiration is when the road to Zion is paved is ones own heart (Psalm 84:5) and the going begins, counting all costs and considering it worthy of all my life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daniel, your life is always inspiring to me and I'm glad I chanced upon your blog!