Friday, November 21, 2008

the eventide

"True religion confronts earth with heaven and brings eternity to bear upon time." - A.W. Tozer

I apologize for the infrequency between posts this past week. I have made a commitment not work on my computer after 10pm. This commitment was made for several reason: those late hours can easily be wasted rather than cherished (they are usually best spent with a hot beverage, a good book, and a chair that makes prayer easy; though they are often spent with souls), I also do not always think clearly at those times (by that time my thoughts are a strong potions of passions mixed from the happenings of a long day), and I would like to get to bed earlier so as to "rise on the wings of dawn" the following day. Even now I am writing with only 10 minutes before work and cannot write long. Last night after a 4 hour meeting I walked out on a local pier and prayed, surrounded by a great expanse of dim city darkness. Either side of the large dock I looked over it was peering into a rippling reminder of God's constant faithfulness. He is even more constant than the tide. "Abide with me, fast falls the eventide / the darkness deep, O Lord, with me abide.../ swift to its close, ebbs out life's little day / earths joys grow dim its glories fade away... / O Lord, abide with me." I plunge with willful helplessness into that faithful tide of grace. God's plan is being revealed and I look forward to the blessings of a nearer walk with my Savior.

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